Friday, July 31, 2009

For my first blog, I've decided to post a script that will set the tone for my future musings.

First let me give you the background for the script. Last year some government guy in Mississippi created a bill that would prohibit restraunts from serving food to people considered to be too over-weight. I'm not making this part up. Fortunately, it died in committee.

Now our govenment is considering taxing "unhealthy" foods.

Knowing these facts, I looked into my special crystal ball and saw a future where fast food becomes an illegal drug. Skinny people will be hired to buy the fast food creating a junk food black market.

Now for my skit.

The Characters:

Jan: Age 32 Size 6

Mara: Jan's teenage daughter Size 2

Ginger (Me): Age over 32 Size ?? Like I would say

Ginger: Hey Jan, did you get my Whopper?

Jan: Yes, and I'll only charge you ten percent above price since we're friends.

Ginger: Thank you. You know that if you gain any weight we will have to use Mara as our mule to smuggle our food.

Jan: No way am I bringing my daughter into the business. It's too risky with the food police around. They've been keeping their eyes on me as it is.

Ginger: Why?

Jan: They wonder how someone at my weight can eat fifty Big Macs and thirty Whoppers a day.

Ginger: I know your business is dangerous, but think of all the profit you're making. Within a year you can be a millionaire if you expand your business and wear disguises.

Jan: Yeah, but ten to twenty years for smuggling Whoppers and fries don't seem worth it. This has to be my last run. I'm getting out of the business.

Ginger: You mean no more Whoppers or Tacos for me? I can't handle that. I'm either going to have to find me another seller or go into robbing them.

Jan: Don't even joke! I was there last week when the MacNugget Gang robbed the Taco Bell. They took all of the tacos and sauce. It was awful.

Ginger: Now don't cry. I forgot about that. I promise I won't rob the places, but I will have to find another seller and just hope that it's not an undercover agent.

Jan: I wouldn't worry too much. If you were caught, since it would be your first offense, you would be sent to food rehab.

Ginger: Oh, those places are dreadful. I hear that they make you eat lots of bran and drink water. They even force people to detox by drinking prune juice. I heard that the stench is awful.

Jan: Well, it's better than prison.

Ginger: I guess so, but watching people go through food withdrawl would be hard.

Jan: Well, that's the price we pay when dealing in food, the new drug.

Ginger: That reminds me. Did you hear that Bob lost his grocery store and is going to jail?

Jan: No, what happened?

Ginger: He was caught setting back the scales so more people could buy chips and chocolate.

Jan: Poor Bob!

Ginger: Poor Bob? How about poor me? I will never get any chocolate at a regular store. Oh, how I will miss chocolate.

Jan: Look on the bright side. At least you were smart enough to invest in Weight Watchers. I mean you're like a millionaire now.

Ginger: What's good the money without chocolate. I'm thinking of moving to Mexico.

Jan: You can't. They closed the borders because too many American's were moving there.

Ginger: Then Canada here I come.

Jan: Sorry, they had to close their borders too. Of course with your money, you may be able to hire someone to sneak you into Canada.

Ginger: Well, I know a guy who knows a guy.

ONE WEEK LATER..........

Brrrring.....Hello, this is Jan.

Ginger: Jan, the guy of the guy who knew the guy was an undercover cop.

Jan: Oh, no!

Ginger: Oh, Yes! They cuffed me and dragged me to jail. After weighing me, they interagated me for hours trying to make me give up my food source. I told them that I was legal. I even showed them my thyroid problem id, but they could tell that it was fake. I'm out on bail, but I'm afraid I'm going away for a long time.

Jan: Wait, they don't put people in prison for trying to cross the border to Canada.

Ginger: Well, actually I'm being charged with possession of an illegal substance for one over 120 pounds. I had a candy bar in my pocket.

Jan: That five years minimum.

Ginger: I'll see you in five.

TWO DAYS LATER..........

Brrrring.....Hello, it's Jan.

Ginger: Good news, I made it across the border to Mexico. Ole' and chocolate everyday!


  1. I cant smuggle the food for anymore if the limit is 120. Im hoping 150 is the legal limit. Do you think they will take your blood pressure first at the cashier before you pay. Maybe you could submit an annual blood test for cholesteral to maintain your fast food privelage. Don't drink the water in Mexico. You can get Hepatitis from eating your veggies in Africa with all the sewage/fertalizer they inadvertantly use. It happens in US after floods too. Be wary of all of it. I suppose the Bran and Water diet you mentioned will be the only safe thing.

  2. OOPS I forgot the Bran and water diet might create more sewage than normal and contaminate the water used on our veggies. That won't solve the problem either.
