It snowed six inches last night. We had snow cream and I took pictures. I didn't have any boots, so when the cold white fluff invaded my tennis shoe and froze my heal, I had to go inside.
I was suppose to go to the dentist tomorrow, but the snow has made it impossible. I was surprised when the dentist, not the assistant but the dentist, called me today to see if I needed to change my appointment because of the snow. I've never been to this dentist before, and I'm already impressed.
Why do I need to go to the dentist? My electric toothbrush attacked my top tooth and left a hole in its wake. I now need a dreaded root canal. Ouch! Thank goodness for laughing gas.
Since it is the New Year, I should post my resolutions. They are to eat more chocolate/less vegies; play more/work less; become a beach bum.
So far I haven't kept these resolutions, but the year is still young.