Sunday, October 23, 2011

I was watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," when it occured to me, I would never want to live in the chocolate factory. If I lived there, I would be arrested for assault. Just think about it....everytime I would make a mistake the Oompahs would sing about it. They wouldn't only tell me what I was doing wrong, but their smugness would make them brag about how they could do it better. They are extremely self righteous.

After several years of this constant aggravation; I would snap. I'm not a violent person, but I can picture myself grabbing those Oompahs and swinging them across the floor and into the chocolate river. Of course they would break into a song.

Oompah, Oompah
Oopahdy do
I got some good advice for you
When you swing Oompahs around
Your thinking isn't sound.

Instead you should talk things out
That way won't make you shout
So next time your feelings stew
Do what the Oompahs, Oopady do.

Then I would run out of the factory screaming.

Speaking of screaming, I was watching a horror movie the other day and I kept wanting to correct the characters.

Imagine this...teenagers from a highschool being targeted and killed, but the parents still allowing them to go out on their own. How nutty is that. If I was one of their parents, I wouldn't let my kid out of my sight. Seriously, if the teenager had to go to the bathroom I would make him/her leave the door open.

Who am I kidding, I would grab my kid and be hundreds of miles away before the sun went down.

Here's another thing about the movie that didn't make since. When the girl figured out that everyone who died had received the same e-mail that was sent to her, she went to the detective and told him. He then had her send him and the lab a copy of the e-mail and told her not to worry.

The detective knew that the girl was a teenager, her parents were out of town, and she received the same e-mail as the students who had been killed. So in his wisdom, Instead of offering her police protection and contacting her parents, he told her not to worry. Can you say "lawsuit"?

Then towards the end of the movie, the detective gets a tip and goes into the warehouse alone. I haven't had any police training, but I know enough to take backup. That's common sense 101.
Of course the detective was killed.

The movie would have made more sense if the detective was the killer. That would explain why he didn't offer her police protection, but it wouldn't explain why the other teenagers were left alone while a killer was on the loose.

That ends my blog post for today, and I can hear the Oompahs singing about how they could have written better.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October has officially begun because today I put the ghosts out. Each year my niece and I hang a bunch of homemade ghosts in the trees. They look cute in the daylight, but after the sun sets they look spooky.

Okay, I know that I've written better posts, but I'm just writing today to keep my blog active. I really need to start writing more, but since nobody reads my blog...Well, that's okay because it gives me more freedom to write whatever I want.

So, here goes. I'm going to start with definitions. These are terms usually found in math books.

Perfect Square: A geek with a lot of money. Ex. Bill Gates

Sum: A little. Ex. Give me sum of that candy.

Order of Operation: With actresses it's usually implants, facelift, liposuction. Of course the order can change.

That's it for today. I'll add more definitions later.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Foxes, Electrons, and Storms, Oh My!

This has been an interesting week. I exchanged electrons with my sorority sister, saw her spirit animal, and was shocked!

Okay, if you want a seedy explanation, then stop reading. Seriously, the week was rather tame. My sorority sister and I went to the Atomic Museum where she touched a big ball that made her hair stand up like a punk rocker. When I touched her hand, we were both physically shocked which is caused from exchanging electrons.

Now, for the spirit animal. My sorority sister was telling me that her Native American friend has the gift of seeing people's animal spirit guides. My sister's guide is a fox. She stated that she doubted this was so. At that moment a grey fox ran in front of her car. I said "There went your animal spirit guide." We both laughed.

What a coincidence. Foxes are not usually seen in this area. I've been here most of my life and haven't seen a fox before. It makes a person think.
She jokingly said that my spirit guide is a rabbit. The next afternoon my niece found a rabbit on my porch. I'm just glad she didn't say snake.

Speaking of snakes, a couple of weeks ago my nephew found a copperhead next to our garden. The snake is gone, but it makes me wonder if there are more.

This happened about the same time we had the terrible storms in Tennessee. During the storm, we saw a green fog over the lake. Instead of fog, it turned out to be a wall of hail. Then my brother filmed a funnel cloud forming across the lake. Fortunately, the tornado didn't come across and we made it though the storm intact.

So, before I end this, one question. Does anybody have a strange coincidence he/she would like to share? Feel free to comment, just keep it a PG rating.

Monday, January 10, 2011


It snowed six inches last night. We had snow cream and I took pictures. I didn't have any boots, so when the cold white fluff invaded my tennis shoe and froze my heal, I had to go inside.

I was suppose to go to the dentist tomorrow, but the snow has made it impossible. I was surprised when the dentist, not the assistant but the dentist, called me today to see if I needed to change my appointment because of the snow. I've never been to this dentist before, and I'm already impressed.

Why do I need to go to the dentist? My electric toothbrush attacked my top tooth and left a hole in its wake. I now need a dreaded root canal. Ouch! Thank goodness for laughing gas.

Since it is the New Year, I should post my resolutions. They are to eat more chocolate/less vegies; play more/work less; become a beach bum.

So far I haven't kept these resolutions, but the year is still young.