Sunday, August 12, 2018

Inner Realm

Inner Realm
By Ginger Hinson

Show me your body's kingdom
All your hidden chambers;
Secret passageways to explore

Guide me to your treasure room
Where golden moments await
Guarded against time's thieves

Let me be that burglar who
Opens your inner safe, sees
Your valuables, pockets the prize

Then you will feel life's truth
Unlocked with sureness, revealing
Unhindered vulnerability, the You

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Devil's Card

The Devil's Card
By Ginger Hinson

Gossip is a demon
Created by Satan himself
When the devil reads
Shall not bear false witness,
He laughs, laughs, and laughs

He jumps in glee
When church members gossip
That's the coup deemed worthy
Of the dark endless smile lurking
Upon Lucifer's devious lips

Sin's many faces
Are frightful to glance upon,
Yet, none so exquisitely pleasing
Than seeing a faithful stumble.
Fall, Fall, Fall is his rally cheer

Gossip's daggers pierce
The victim's soul cracks, breaks
Assumptions can be deadly
Lies told can make one forsaken
God as people judge, condemn

Oh, when the congregation
Brings its own to their knees
A great cry rises from Hell
Glory be, Glory be, Glory be
They mockingly shout to Heaven

Next time your church
Stabs, murders with cruelty words
Remember Satan is watching
Laughing in your face as you
Step one inch closer to his fire

Friday, August 10, 2018

Castle of Lies

Castle of Lies
By Ginger Hinson

A prisoner in my pearlescent castle
Constructed from beautiful lies
To pacify my color coded life
Leading to creativity's decay

Existence ordered, numbered
Towards spirit's chiseling death
Greatness unachievable as I
Stumble through created fables

Self fibs mate, combine, multiply
The norm achieved, convention binds,
Dictates my views, my actions
Where's my passion? My soul tolls

Does my being notice, wonder
Against time's stealing promises
Of unhurried stance for many
Tomorrows will come?  Lying lies.

I shall clasp today's willing hand,
Pull it with tenacity, Guide myself
Beyond illusions, wipe, slap away
Deceptions, Fill my living with candor

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Life Unknown
By Ginger Hinson

Trepidation Collide with me              
I can miss a feeling, a place
My soul graspingly beholds
An illusionary fleeting kiss for
A life unknown, needed, unknown
Whose phantom touch caress
Molecularly resonates, cutting
My core restraints, my shackles
Loosened by dream's euphoria

Awash with exotic lands painted
Promises, untraveled mountains,
Beaches to soothe the unquenchable.
Diverse people unmet call to me
Enticingly pleading, imploring,
Demanding encounter's raw quest
Screaming...Be Engaged, Be Present
Abandon comfort, Abandon complacency
To the shadows of an unexplored life

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Naked Inferno
By Ginger Hinson

Lured into my lair
Never to return
The magic of my essence
Perfumes the tense atmosphere
Headily Hypnotizing eager prey.
He quivers as fragrant aromas seep
From tactile pores invading his
Senses with yearning's inferno.
Desire's intoxication confounds,
Thoughts muddled, restraint disperses
To floatation's realm of illogic
The spell casts escape's null options
The captive's soul willingly disappears
Never to be seen again, never to be seen


By Ginger Hinson

I am my own prisoner
Contained behind purgatory bars
Erected from self doubt's confusion
Fortified from Illusion's fatalistic coup

I buried escape's skeleton key
Forged from ambition's blaze
Beneath my wavering consciousness
Waiting to pry open infinities fears


Two Sides
By Ginger Hinson

Extroverted Introvert
Outwardly bold, still
Shyness lurks, ready
To retreat into calmness

Introverted Extrovert
Silently sitting, emotions
Churning to shout for
Adventurous displays